Functional Programming

Functional programming

A programming paradigm.

The process of building software by:

  • composing pure functions

  • avoiding shared state (any variable, object, or memory space that exists in a shared scope)

  • avoiding mutable data

  • avoiding side-effects

Declarative rather than imperative

Application state flows through pure functions


An immutable object is an object that can’t be modified after it’s created. Conversely, a mutable object is any object which can be modified after it’s created.

Central concept of FP: without it, the data flow in your program is lossy. State history is abandoned, and strange bugs can creep into your software.

In JavaScript, it’s important not to confuse const, with immutability. constcreates a variable name binding which can’t be reassigned after creation. const does not create immutable objects. You can’t change the object that the binding refers to, but you can still change the properties of the object, which means that bindings created with const are mutable, not immutable.

Immutable objects can’t be changed at all. You can make a value truly immutable by deep freezing the object. JavaScript has a method that freezes an object one-level deep:

Side Effects

Any application state change that is observable outside the called function other than its return value. Side effects include:

  • Modifying any external variable or object property (e.g., a global variable, or a variable in the parent function scope chain)

  • Logging to the console

  • Writing to the screen

  • Writing to a file

  • Writing to the network

  • Triggering any external process

  • Calling any other functions with side-effects

Mostly avoided in FP, which makes the effects of a program much easier to understand, and much easier to test.

Declarative (vs Imperative)

FP is a declarative paradigm: the program logic is expressed without explicitly describing the flow control.

Imperative programs spend lines of code describing the specific steps used to achieve the desired results — the flow control: How to do things.

Imperative code frequently utilizes statements. A statement is a piece of code which performs some action. Examples of commonly used statements include for, if, switch, throw, etc…

Declarative code relies more on expressions. An expression is a piece of code which evaluates to some value. Expressions are usually some combination of function calls, values, and operators which are evaluated to produce the resulting value.

Declarative programs abstract the flow control process, and instead spend lines of code describing the data flow: What to do. The how gets abstracted away.

map(), filter(), reduce()

Pure Functions

A function which:

  • Given the same input, will always return the same output

  • Produces no side effects (it can’t alter any external state)

The foundation of Functional Programming

Function Composition

Combining two or more functions to produce a new function.

Like snapping together a series of pipes for our data to flow through.

A composition of functions f and g can be defined as f(g(x)), which evaluates from the inside out ,  right to left. Ie., evaluation order is: x, g, f.

Higher-order Functions

Any function that takes one or more functions as arguments, which it uses to operate on some data, and/or returns a function as a result.

Meant to abstract some operation that is performed repeatedly.

Example: map(), which takes an array and a function as arguments. map then uses this function to transform each item in the array, returning a new array with the transformed data.

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